Wednesday 6 February 2019

Learner Voice | February 2019

After a wonderful day in Manchester last week with our A2’s, we ran, as we always do, a learner voice survey on the coach back to TRC. As we do with every learner voice, we asked our students what they love about the art department at TRC, and what they wish for if there was something that would help improve the department and their experience here.

What do you love about Art/Graphics/Photography at Thomas Rotherham College? 

Staff and Support Available – 50%

This category also took the number one spot in last year’s A2 learner voice, this year however, the amount of students telling us this is something they love has risen from 38% to 50%! It is always fantastic to hear that our students feel supported and feel comfortable in the department, this helps create a productive environment not just for you guys but for us as well!  

‘The staff are helpful and polite, I always feel supported’
‘Art department are friendly and helpful’
‘The working environment is friendly and comfortable. Easy to approach someone for help’
Open Door Policy – 37.5%

Another oldie, but a goldie! This is once again mentioned every year, this year being even more popular with 37.5% compared to last year’s 29%. Students being able to use the facilities independently we think is so important to the work ethic and the general atmosphere across the department, and obviously you folks agree!

‘I really like the open door policy and just the general atmosphere in the department! Everyone’s so lovely! Thanks! 😊
‘The open door policy is really helpful’

Facilities, Materials Available and Range of Techniques – 37.5%

Every year we introduce new techniques and materials to help create a diverse and all-encompassing course as best we can for our students during their time here. We will continue to do this as best we can, so it is great to hear that this is appreciated!
Specifically, the darkroom was mentioned by 17.5% of students in not only photography, but also in fine art!

‘Pretty much everything: staff, materials available, ask to do what we want and not to stick to just typically paintings etc.’

‘Great access to materials and help due to trust’
‘Amazing facilities’

Art Shop and Camera Loans – 22.5%

It’s great to hear that the equipment available from the technician’s office is something you love! This is something that, again, will not be going anywhere, and we only hope to keep improving this with more materials available from the shop and the technical support available for you.
‘Cheap materials’

‘The art store and being able to borrow stuff from Patience’
‘Using the cameras’

Repro – 17.5%

Yes!! We love Jane and Janet!! They are vital to the running of our department, for both students and staff! I think this one comment sums it up pretty well.

‘REPRO!! – Life Savers!’

Freedom of the Course – 10%

Students are encouraged to choose pathways that suits them and their skills and interests, so it is something they will enjoy and feel comfortable with, and this is something a lot of you said you loved about the department, which is brilliant to hear!

‘I like the freedom we get in lesson’
‘Friendly teachers. Amazing Facilities. Freedom.’

A few honourable mentions… 
  • Purple books
  • Studio
  • Computer area
What do you wish for in Art/Graphics/Photography at Thomas Rotherham College?

PRINTER: More credits/Better quality/Faster printer – 42.5%

EVERY TIME. We are very aware that this is becoming a bigger and bigger issue for all of our students across every subject and both year groups, and as we say every time, unfortunately there is not much we can do about this. We will once again speak to Jane and Janet about the quality of the printer and see if we can figure out why the LRC quality is better, my guess would be that it actually gets a lot less use than ours. Last year we switched our printer with one from Chancellors and there was a noticeable increase in quality and speed for a time, but we now seem to be back where we started again. As for printer credits, this has been a huge issue this year for many reasons, but we will continue to keep fighting your corner and asking if our students can be allocated more credits than other students in college due to the sheer amount of printing you guys are required to do in order to do your work. Hopefully something will be done about this soon, but we can’t guarantee anything – we’re sorry!

Disruption in Classrooms – 22.5%

This is a brand new category for our leaner voice, and astonishingly it has come in at number two in what our students have said they wish to improve most about the department. There were several examples given in the survey, the most common being that the rooms, particularly downstairs in the computer area, are too loud, making it difficult to work in, and a feeling of disrespect of the rooms by some students with regards to leaving mess, and therefore being inconsiderate to fellow students. This is something we really want to look into, as we said, this has never been mentioned before in a learner voice, so this seems to be unique to this year’s particular cohorts.

We will be discussing this with all Art staff and student reps. If you have an opinion or idea of how we could manage this without disadvantaging or affecting the open door policy (number 2 in what you love!) then please speak to your student reps, that’s what they are here for!

Guillotine! – 20%

It almost feels strange having this so far down the list – but I’m not complaining! *instantly jinxes next year’s learner voice where it’ll be back up at number one again*… I must say though it is a relief to see that this has gone from 53% in 2017, to 28% in 2018, to now 20%! And interestingly no mention about this at all in Photography. But I suppose it just wouldn’t be learner voice without you lot asking for more/better guillotines would it! We recently fixed the large guillotine downstairs so we now have 4 working guillotines in the department. Of course if we ever have the budget available we would love to treat ourselves to a lovely new guillotine, but until that day comes, our current 4 will have to do!

Nothing – 7%

A few honourable mentions… 

More freedom

Given that this was mentioned by 10% of you as something you love about the department, there seems to be a bit of a split opinion on this subject. We do encourage you to make

More comfortable tables at a better height (upstairs)

This is a new one! We realise the tables upstairs can be a bit awkward at times as there are high stools and the tables themselves are quite old, but they do the job and unfortunately, we can’t afford to replace them! We will have a look into more comfortable stools or chairs at a better height.

More radiators in the classrooms upstairs

It has been INCREDIBLY cold recently in the classrooms, particularly upstairs. This is getting looked into by our site staff, as we understand it can be very difficult to work in such a cold environment – we hate being cold too!

Bring back art club

Art club was introduced last year during the ESA period. It basically meant the studios were open at 8am every day and while 5.30 2 afternoons a week. We will discuss this in the next Art staff meeting and see if it is possible to bring this back.

More access to cameras, particularly at half term

We have 8 cameras in the department that are all available to be booked out over half term. The loans work as follows: loan time is generally 2 days, but this depends on when you book it out. If you book it on a Thursday that loan will automatically roll over to Monday, since we aren’t here at a weekend. The same applies for half terms, so if you book a camera out on a Thursday or Friday before we go on holiday, it will be due the first Monday back. If you are doing a photoshoot over the holidays then we really encourage you to use one of our cameras for this, that’s what they are there for! The only issue is when everyone is doing photoshoots, they can go quite quick – so make sure you book one early!

For computers to work better/faster

If there is a general consensus from students in the department that this is becoming an issue, we will speak to computer services about this.  

Paper recycling upstairs

We’ve only just got a bin for downstairs and now you want one upstairs as well! We can’t win can we!!

But no this would be brilliant, especially as just as much paper is thrown away upstairs as it is downstairs, and the new recycling bin seems to be working really well down there. So we will definitely ask about this!

More warning when there’s going to be lots of homework

This was mentioned in terms of large amounts of homework given over half terms and holidays. So just to clarify, there will always be more homework given over the holidays than on a normal college week. This happens every holiday!

More information on what we can print/What we can buy from the shop

We will speak to repro about putting together a ‘price list’ of what’s available, but until then – if there is something specific you want to print but aren’t sure if you can, just ask one of us or even email Repro! They will be more than happy to help 😊
As for the art shop, we have price lists up in both classrooms and one in my office that says what we sell and how much for. Again, if there is something specific you want to know if we sell or not, just come and ask me! And if we don’t sell it I can look into getting some in stock for you 😊

Materials should be free

If only! This is almost always mentioned, and as I always say, we can’t give materials away for free. Inks, paints, newsprint etc. is all free for you to use in the classrooms, and everything sold in the shop is sold at cost price (we don’t make any profit on it!). If there was a way of making anything cheaper, we would, but as things stand at the moment we can’t I’m afraid. Sorry!

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