Thursday 20 December 2018

Magna Christmas Family Fair and Stall in College | TRAC

Over December we have done 3 days worth of TRAC stalls, two of which we spent at Magna for their Christmas Family Fair, and the other we set up in college to sell to staff and students.

James and Laura both came and helped out at the Magna Christmas Family Fair on the 24th and 25th of December. This was a great place to show our goods off to the public, we even had a visit from the Major of Rotherham! 

We then had a stall in college on the 14th of December. Last year on Christmas Jumper Day we ran a TRAC stall in college and raised £114 overall towards the department and the colleges nominated charity. As this was such a success we decided to do this again this year! And so last Friday Tom and Laura set up the stall ready to sell our goods to the college staff and students. Thank you to James, Bushra, Amber and Chloe for manning this throughout the day for us, until we eventually packed up around 1.30. We then moved some of the cards, notebooks and gift tags into the LRC so we could hopefully raise some more money during the last week of term. 

Putting together the sales of Magna and the stall in college we raised a total of....


As always the profits will be split between the department and the colleges nominated charity which is currently the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust. Thank you to everyone who supported our TRAC initiative by buying some of our products, and thank you obviously to all our lovely students who helped run this! 

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