Friday 13 May 2016

Forgotten Spaces 2016

This years Forgotten Spaces entries for 2016 have now been sent off! 

For those of you that do not know what it entails; it is a competition which is run by Sheffield Hallam University in conjunction with the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). The aim of the competition is for students to design and develop a site within their local area to give  a fresh look, and explore potential solutions for reusing the ‘Forgotten Space’. It gives students the opportunity to gain an insight into the skills needed to regenerate and design spaces. 

Taking part in this competition is an amazing opportunity for anyone interested in studying architecture or other creative subjects. It gives you an understanding of what it is like to be an architect and the design process, and it is an impressive addition to your UCAS personal statement. You also get to attend a workshop that is held at the Sheffield Hallam University. This gives you the chance to discuss your ideas with architects and learn about new software that you can use in your projects! Well done to our two teams this year - 'Team Creative Minds' and 'Team Uninhabited', let's all keep our fingers crossed!!

The swish awards evening will be held on the 16th June 2016.

Team Creative Minds
Thomas Marriot, Olivia Wolstenholme, Josie Farrow, Francesca Gilardoni

Team Creative Minds chose Loxley Chapel, with their idea to renovate this site into a theatre space to give the neighborhood more venues for entertainment to help bring the community together. It would also be available for use by local primary schools, as a cinema, and as a venue for local concerts and gigs.

Team Uninhabited 
Charlie Yates, Leah May, Megan Strutt, Ella Shields, Briony Canning, Lauren Oxley

Team Uninhabited decided to transform the underneath of Tinsley Viaduct into a Skate Park to bring the youth community together in a fun and safe way. This would also include a children's playground in a Green area, and a Graffiti area designed to help remove the stigma of graffiti as a rebellious, ugly form of art and instead embrace it, giving people the facilities and opportunities to express themselves though graffiti. 

Great effort and great ideas from both teams, well done! Fingers crossed!!

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