Monday 23 October 2017

AL1 Learner Voice | October 2017

See below this year’s learner voice survey from the annual AL YSP Trip, we do this every year at this time to get a feel for how the start of the course has been for everyone. Each category is listed with the overall percentage of students that mentioned it in the survey.

What do you love about art and design at Thomas Rotherham College?

Experimenting with different media & practical techniques – 62%
Since the introduction of the linear A level, we are now able to spend the first half of your 1st year here teaching a wide variety of techniques so that when you come to start your MCP (Major coursework project) you can choose a material or technique that suits you and that you are comfortable with to specialise with. As we have only been running this for 2 years, we are very happy to see that 62% overall said this as something you love and have really enjoyed over the past 6 weeks being here. More specifically 84% of Fine Art, 50% of Graphics and 31% of photography mentioned this, saying ‘I really love learning all new different techniques’, ‘I love how much practical work we have been doing in a short period of time and the different techniques I have been able to use’ and they loved ‘the experimental stuff’ and ‘the opportunity to use materials impossible In GCSE e.g. intaglio’. 

Darkroom – 16%
So early on in the course this is obviously a photography specific category, but we had 16% of our Photography students say they loved ‘de darkroom’ (as one of you put it). This is not often mentioned so early on in the course – and by so many people! So we’re glad that one of our most valuable facilities is being recognised and enjoyed by those of you who use it.

General atmosphere and relationships with staff – 31%
This was mentioned by 9% of Art and 12% of Graphics. It is lovely to hear that as a team we create a supportive and friendly atmosphere in the department, and for that we have to thank every member of staff we have – including our new addition of Jodie! We understand that a happy art team means happy students, so we’re glad to see that it is having a positive impact on the department. Go team!

A Few Honourable Mentions..
Support and feedback – 7%
Open door policy and being able to work independently – 5%
Seeing example sketchbooks – 3%

What do you wish for in art and design at Thomas Rotherham College?

More/Free/Unlimited Printer Credits – 28%
This is becoming an increasing problem for the whole department. Last year we managed to get an extra £5 onto each Art/Graphics/Photography students account however this did not seem to make much of an impact as it is such a small amount and doesn’t count for double endorsements. We are constantly in talks on how to make the department cheaper for students as we know it can start to add up and get pricey, which is why we sell all the materials in the shop at cost (so we don’t make any profit). However, printer credits are not something we decide and therefore it is difficult to improve this from our end. But leave it with us – we will try our best!

16% is an AMAZING figure compared to previous years - 53% in Feb 2017 and 37% in Oct 2016. As you can see this is always something we get asked for and every year I say ‘Yes I know you want guillotines – I GET IT’, but thankfully a lot of you seem happier with them this year. Guillotines are surprisingly expensive! However, before term started we set up new ‘guillotine areas’ upstairs and downstairs that make them much more accessible and means they now have a permanent home. Most of the responses were from Photography with 29% of students mentioning the dreaded G word, and this probably down to the rather old and broken one sat next to the printer. We are aware this has a tendency to rip up work, which obviously is not very good or practical so we will try and get this fixed ASAP.

More support with sketchbook presentation/annotation – 11%
Something we have been doing this year, more so than previous years, is showing example sketchbooks from A2 students to give you a sense of what your pages should look like, something 3% of you said you loved earlier on. We also have a growing selection of sketchbook examples on Pinterest which are available for you to look at here at college and at home, and we are building a ‘sketchbook library’ donated by previous students so you can look at these when you are struggling – or just need some inspiration! We also provide hand out sheets which briefly explain presentation/annotation, and if you haven’t got a physical copy of these they are also on Moodle. You are always free to ask us for advice about presenting your work, and next week during lessons we are focusing solely on annotation. Hopefully this should help those of you who are struggling. Also remember that it can take good a few weeks to get into the swing of presenting and finding your own aesthetic – so don’t dismay and just know we are always here to help. Sketchbook presentation is an art in itself!

More ‘Master Classes’ in specific techniques – 11%
We are going to be introducing more and more techniques as the year goes on (Lino printing in a few weeks Art and Graphics!), and given that this request was 12% of Art and 22% of Graphics – hopefully the next few weeks/months should satisfy your cravings. However, we did have using film in the darkroom mentioned by photography. This is something we have wanted to introduce since we got the darkroom, and just before we broke up for summer Abi and Sarah had a training session on developing your own film. So this is very much in the pipeline!

A Few Honourable Mentions…
More freedom to do the work you want to do & be able to spend more time on pieces – 13%
9% of Fine Art wished they could spend more time on one piece rather than ‘rush’ through lots of different techniques on a small scale. These first few weeks are to get to grips with all the facilities and materials we have available here in the department, so once you start your MCP in February you will be able to work on sustained outcomes, and here you will get to spend more time on something you are passionate about.

Less homework – 6%
It is a college wide rule that you are set 4 ½ hours of classwork every week, and that is done in conjunction with 4 ½ hours of homework as well. This is not something we decide and not something we can change, however from our experience as a department, doing under this amount of time can seriously affect your grade. A bare sketchbook with unfinished pages and rushed pieces will not get high marks. 4 ½ hours is a sensible amount of time to complete all the tasks we set, and this doesn’t have to be done at home, our facilities are here for you to use during your frees as well as lessons. Use those free periods wisely!

More photoshoots – 6%
This was mostly Photography but also a couple from Art and Graphics as well. Once you start your MCP you will be doing complex photoshoots every time you move onto a new outcome (which is probably more often than you think!), and in the upcoming weeks you will be doing at least one more photography workshop in lesson. Remember, photography is just as much about research, planning and sketchbook work as it is photographs!

Let students know in advance whether they need to bring their own cameras – 6%
This is a brilliant (and rather obvious not sure how we missed this) idea! We have also noticed students having to owe money for things like intaglio as they aren’t sure when they need to have money on them. From now on we will add any materials you need to bring the following week onto the purple book planner slides, and remind you on the last lesson of the week so you know what to bring. Thank you everyone who mentioned this – we will immediately put it into place!

More trips – 5%
Yes please! So far we run the YSP trip in the October of your first year, and the Manchester trip in the February of your second year, but if we can swing any extra ones as well we will try our best to do so!

Scissors – 3%
Apologies Fine Art – I did not realise you were so lacking in scissors! I will put a large handful out into the material drawers at the back of the room first thing tomorrow!

Fix curtain in the darkroom – 3%
Done! J

Have support every week and start having 121s – 3%
The support blocks attached to lessons are part of the new timetable, we have not had these before ourselves! We are trialling running them as one week taught for first years and one second years.  This does not mean you cannot stay for your attached support block, it just means it may be unstaffed by a teacher or the students identified will take priority.
As for 121’s, don’t worry, they are coming………. They form a major part of the course and once the newly named ‘masterclass’ section of the course is over, we will be diving straight in.

Black paint in the department – 2%
Given that you (yes you, Fine Art) have just learnt how to make black paint yourselves, which is much more sophisticated, and much better to use in your work, I decline this request.

Put everything on WisePay – 2%
To the person that said this – could you please email me (Patience) with what you would like me to put on WisePay as I’m not sure what is missing from the shop that you would like to buy J

Thank you to everyone who participated and gave us some really interesting and useful feedback, these Learner Voice's are so helpful for us to keep improving the department and making it better for you, and this years feedback was particularly thorough and constructive. So thank you!

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